Friday, October 12, 2007

Towards an understanding of barriers to condom use in rural Benin using the Health Belief Model: A cross sectional survey

Author: Hounton SH, Carabin H, Henderson NJ.
BMC Public Health. 2005; 5: 8. published online before print January 21, 2005
PMCID: 547902

Description: HIV/AIDS is the most dramatic epidemic of the century that has claimed over two decade more than 3 million deaths. Sub Saharan Africa is heavily affected and accounts for nearly 70% of all cases. Despite awareness campaigns, prevention measures and more recently promotion of anti viral regimens, the prevalence of cases and deaths is still rising and the prevalence of systematic condom use remains low, especially in rural areas. This study identifies barriers to condom use based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in Benin, West Africa. Fulltext

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